For people 6+ with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis

Meet Clyde the Guide: He’s on a mission to help people have better conversations with their doctors.
Get the most out of the time you have with your doctor. Clyde’s here to remind you that there’s power in your voice, and it’s important that your doctor understands how your condition affects you. It’s best to speak up and get specific.

Make the most of your doctor visit.
There’s a lot to remember at the doctor’s office. Our doctor conversation starter is where you can document your symptoms and help set expectations for your treatment goals. This resource can help you feel more prepared for your appointment.
Watch Clyde help people get specific about symptoms.
Are those symptoms connected?
Even if they might not seem related to you, some symptoms can be clues to bigger issues like disease progression. Share all your symptoms with your doctor, don't hold back. You can do this!
Share how you’re really feeling. Be upfront with your doctor. Honesty is key when it comes to your health. By sharing exactly how you’re feeling with your doctor, you help create a clearer picture of what you need.
Tell the full story.
Even if you feel ok now, you should still tell your doctor about the times you didn't. You and your doctor are partners. Sharing every symptom helps them find effective treatment options.
List all of your symptoms in one place. You don’t need to rely on your memory when you have our doctor conversation starter to help you stay organized.
Make every appointment count.
Doctors love when you come prepared. Plus, having a game plan will help you make the most of every minute and get specific about all your symptoms.
Prepare for your next appointment. Watch this video to learn how to walk into your next appointment feeling prepared.

Being prepared starts here.
Get the most from your doctor visit by being ready. Log your symptoms, set goals, and talk about what you need. A little prep can make a big difference.